up-to-date electronics for lab and leisure s™"" LCD thermometer short wave band shifting ultrasonic yardstick active antenna electrolytics run dry selektor 10-14 DSB demodulator After our crash course in transmission and reception, we introduce another type of modulation: DSSC or more commonly known as DSB. L.C.D. thermometer We present a digital circuit, which is inexpensive, accurate, precise, and has a very low power consumption. The range of the instrument is such that it is suitable for practically any application. ultra sonic distance measurement An electronic method for the measurement of distances, using ultra-sonic sound, A very good starting point for experimentation. electrolytics run dry The article describes and discusses the merits of the different kinds of elec- trolytics, arriving at a surprising conclusion. darkroom computer - part 2 A continuation of the first part in the last issue. This article deals with the accessories needed to make the computer fully operational. short wave band shifting for SSB receivers The article deals with and describes front ends which can be used with any short wave receiver, effectively extending the coverage of the amateur bands. 16 channels with only five ICs A straightforward easily constructed infra-red remote control. Construc- tion is made easy by using special ICs produced for the purpose. pre-amp for the SSB receiver An additional MOSFET pre-amp not only increasing the sensitivity, and improving selectivity, but also extending the AGC range. active aerial An active aerial which is short and convenient to use, whilst enabling good reception. What more would DXers wish. transistor and 1C data comprehensive information on a selection of CMOS ICs and transistors, very useful aid. missing links 10-17 10-20 10-24 10-28 10-30 10-36 10-40 10-44 1046 10-49 10-54 market 10-54 10-14 - elektor October 1982 Power from the invisible universe A theory linking black holes, quasars and radio jets in galaxies may explain the basis of the universe and point to its eventual end in a so-called Big Crunch. Only a few years ago it seemed that astronomers were drawing near to a comprehensive understanding of the universe. Mysterious objects remained, notably the quasars with their extra- ordinary brightness, but a pattern was emerging that promised to encompass all the categories of stars and galaxies that astronomers could see. To some extent that is still true today. But what is becoming apparent is that the universe we can observe with any kind of radiation, including radio waves, infra-red, ultra-violet and X-rays, is probably only a small fraction of the entire universe. Most of it is invisible because the matter it comprises pro- duces no radiation for astronomers to • detect with their telescopes. But this unseen matter cannot be ignored. Although it is invisible, it is probably responsible for the most violent events in the visible universe. And its presence may be the factor deciding the fate of the universe, whether it will go on expanding for all eternity or whether it will instead stop expanding, contract and finally disappear in a Big Crunch, the precise opposite of the Big Bang in which it came into being. Quasars and Black Holes The two most mysterious objects in the known universe are quasars and black holes. Quasars are stange super-stars, each one shining more brightly than thousands of complete galaxies of stars, yet producing its radiation from something with a diameter no greater than that of the solar system. Because quasars shine so brightly they are visible at distances of several thousand million light years. This means that we are seeing them not as they are now but as they were several thousand million years ago, when the universe (which began at some time between ten and fifteen thousand million years ago) was relatively young. This has suggested to astronomers that, because no quasars to be nearer at hand, in more recent epochs, whatever provides the power for them may be some force which is Black holes the fates of large stars when their nuclear fuel finally burns out. When this happens there is no longer outward explosive force to balance the inward gravitational forces caused by every particle of matter in the star attracting every other particle of matter, so the star collapses inwards and be- comes more and more dense. It passes through the stage where the electrons orbiting atoms are squashed inwards to fuse with protons, the negative and positive charges cancelling each other, thereby forming neutrons. Smaller stars stop contracting at this stage and form so-called neutron stars made of col- lapsed atoms. They are dotted around the universe and can be detected by their gravitational effects on other stars. But in larger stars the inward gravi- tational forces are so strong that theory predicts they will go on collapsing inwards until all the matter in such a star has been compressed into a dimen- sionless point. A star which has reached that stage can no longer be observed because no radiation can leave it. For this reason, and because events inside it can no longer be understood through conventional physics, it is called a black hole. Radio Jets Black holes are no longer just theoreti- cal notions. X-ray telescopes have detected radiation coming from two or three objects which are very probably other stars in orbit around black holes. More recently, there has been growing suspicion that violent events in the centres of galaxies may be caused by black holes being formed there. In the UK, Professor Martin Rees of the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy and his colleagues have put forward a theory which not only explains quasars in terms of black holes but explains another mysterious phenomenon, too, so-called jets in radio galaxies. Radio galaxies, the main class of ob- jects detected by radio telescopes, appear usually to contain an ordinary optical galaxy with a characteristic disc shape. Protruding from the centre of the disc in each direction perpen- dicular to it, giving the appearance of a wheel on an axle or of a spinning top, are jets of radiation and charged par- ticles shooting such colossal distances into space that they dwarf the galaxy from which they come. To understand Professor Rees's theory, it is necessary to go back in time at least ninetenths of the way to the origin of the universe, to a period about one thousand million years after the Big Bang. At that time, swirl- ing clouds of gas were separating from each other and forming spinning, proto- galactic discs with solid stars condensing out of the gas. As the stars formed, the remaining gas sank towards the centre of each galaxy, attracted by the pull of the denser matter. There were no forces, other than those which mutually repel neighbouring atomic particles, to slow down the inward collapse of the gas into each galactic centre. So collapse soon proceeded to the point where a black hole formed. More and more matter was pulled into the black hole by its enormously powerful gravi- tational field, so its pull grew still October 1982 The double radio source 3C236. Contour lines map the intensity of the radio emission showing the source to have radio lobes' (at the bottem left and top right of the map) separated by 20 million light-years. stronger until it drew neighbouring stars into itself, as well as dust and gas. Synchrotron Radiation This, says Professor Rees, is the stage of galactic evolution represented by the quasars. They are young galaxies in which the central black holes are still sucking in stars. While the stars are being pulled into the black hole, before they disappear for ever, they are accel- erated to velocities near to the speed of light. Matter accelerated to such speeds gives off powerful radiation, called synchroton radiation (see Spectrum 1291. The extraordinarily powerful synchroton radiation we observe from quasars is on the scale to be expected from a black hole scouring the centre of a galaxy cleaned of millions of stars. When there are no more stars left near enough to be swallowed, the quasars revert to the radiative power of ordinary galaxies. There are no quasars today because there is no matter left in the centres of galaxies to be swallowed by the black holes that lurk there. No other phenomenon is powerful enough to produce the quasar radiation. But, says Rees, that is not the end of the story. Because the galaxies in which they are formed rotate, the black holes in their centres rotate, too. And because they are made of infinitely dense matter the black holes rotate virtually as fast as it is possible to rotate. They spin at near to the speed of light. Surrounding the centre of each galaxy is a magnetic field which is formed, predictably, in gas that is too far away from the black hole to have been sucked into it. The magnetic field in the centre of such a galaxy pulls on the spinning black hole, acting as a persistent brake upon it. When a brake is applied to any moving object energy is lost; one example is the heat given off when wheels are braked. When a brake is applied to a mass of a hundred million or so stars in a black hole spinning at a speed of near to 186 000 miles/second, we may expect the energy produced to be on an unfamiliar scale. This energy, Rees proposes, is the explanation of the jets in the radio galaxies. The magnetic fields that surround the spinning black holes have narrow tunnels running through them to each side, perpendicular to the galactic plane, and the colossal energy produced from the braking effect of the magnetic field on the black hole is flung out through the tunnels. It emerges, shooting out through space. as jets of particles and radiation dwarfing the galaxy they come from. Professor Rees believes that the evol- ution of galaxies into the quasar stage and onwards, with the formation of spinning black holes and radio jets, is probably a very common, perhaps almost universal process. Most galaxies, including our own, have gone through it. Spinning black holes may form from single stars as well as from millions of stars in the centres of galaxies. Single-star black holes would produce miniature radio jets. Two objects with structures that resemble or suggest the existence of such jets are known, namely the bright X-ray star Scorpio XI and the optically visible source SS433. Violent Events So this theory explains and links the three strangest phenomena in the known universe, black holes, quasars and radio jets. But it implies that we must look for the explanation of the most violent events in the visible universe in matter which can no longer be observed in that universe, in black holes. And if we are to predict the fate of the uni- verse, say Rees and certain other as- tronomers, we must again take into account black holes and other categories of invisible matter. It is possible for astronomers to cal- culate how much matter there would need to be in the universe for the gravitational forces pulling it together eventually to overcome the outward forces of expansion, so that the universe will eventually stop expanding and start to contract towards a Big Crunch. For this to happen, the universe in its present stage of expansion needs to contain an average of about three atoms rules out the crunch, because all the matter in the universe that has been observed by any kind of telescope adds up to only about one-tenth of one atom per cubic metre. But, says Rees, there is a lot of matter in the universe that we have not seen and can never see. And there is growing evidence that this invisible matter greatly out- weighs the visible. Some galaxies orbit around one another in pairs, like double stars. Their masses, calculated from their orbits, are es- timated to be at least ten times that of their visible matter. This is still only one third of the mass needed to ensure a Big Crunch, but it does indicate that only about one-tenth of the matter in galaxies can be detected, with any kind of telescope. Some of the rest may already have disappeared for ever into black holes. Perhaps as much as nine-tenths of the matter in the universe has gone that way. More invisible matter may be in the form of 'dark' stars, which have burnt out without collapsing into black holes but which no longer emit enough radiation to make them observable. The amount of invisible matter which is present in a third form, particles called neutrinos, may dwarf that present in the visible universe. In the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang, matter and its opposite, anti- matter were probably created almost equally. They promptly annihilated IO- 16 -i each other, leaving a relatively small residuum, representing the margin of matter over anti-matter, to become the universe we see today. Particles called neutrinos were produced by each annihilation of particles. Because neutrinos hardly ever interact with other particles, those formed just after the Big Bang have been flying around the universe ever since. Until recently it was thought that neutrinos had so mass. Now some astronomers think that neutrinos do have mass and, although it is very small compared with the mass of other particles, there may be so many neu- trinos that their combined mass dwarfs that of all other matter in the universe. It could be much more than enough to ensure a Big Crunch. The problem is how to detect neutrinos. Attempts to trap them, by burying detectors deep underground to screen out the impacts of other particles, have so far been unfruitful. If these theories are correct, it is rather sobering to think of how unimportant our familiar universe of stars and galaxies is, compared with the invisible black holes which power all its most violent events and which may have already swallowed most of its matter, and with the invisible sea of neutrinos on which our familiar matter may float like trivial froth on the oceans. (813S) Video recording at over 600 miles per hour Unique video coverage of the attempt on the World Land Speed Record by Richard Noble in his car Thrust 2' will be provided by cameras and video recorders from Sony Broadcast. A lightweight video colour camera will Structure of the radio source around the galaxy NGC 6251, with detail magnified in two stages. The parsec, a unit of stellar distance, is equivalent to 3-26 light-years. be installed in the spare cockpit of the jet-powered car during the attemps to break the world record of 622 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, U.S.A. Sony equipment is being used by Intervideo Productions Ltd. to record a documentary covering the 7 year development programme of Thrust 2', the people involved in the project and all the activities during the attempt in Utah. Three main camera teams will record the activities at base camp, the refuelling point at the end of the runway and from the air in a hot air ballon or a light aircraft. In addition, the camera installed in the car itself will provide dramatic shots of both the car's instrument panel and scenes of the runway as viewed by the driver. To break the record. Thrust 2' has to make two passes over a measured mile, in opposite directions, within an hour. From standing start and acceleration through the measured mile and then deceleration will take something like 45 seconds over a distance of 10 miles. At the point of braking considerable G forces of up to 6.5 G will be ex- perienced by the driver, but it is not yet known how the video camera and recorder will function under these conditions. The camera's weight factor combined with the vibration from both the move- ment of the car over the salt flats plus high frequency vibrations from the Rolls Avon 403 jet engine (which pro- duces some 17 tons of thrust) creates a very critical environment for both camera and recorder in terms of micro- phony. The weight of any item of equipment is multiplied by the G force applied. This means that the Sony camera, which weighs 10 lbs under normal gravity conditions, will have an actual weight of over 60 lbs on deceleration from 650 mph. At present the camera is providing vital telemetry information on the behaviour of the car as well as an accurate record of the instrumentation read-out from the spare cockpit. Richard Noble will be attempting to break the World Land Speed Record later this year at a speed in excess of 650 mph. Sony Broadcast Limited (806 S) DSB demodi ilektor October 1982 - 10-17 In the June 1982 issue we presented an article entitled "The principles behind an SSB receiver" and we hope that it provided answer to some questions. As a practical complement to the "Crash course in transmission and reception" we then presented a complete SSB short-wave receiver for home construction. With this article we would now like to introduce another type of modulation that was mentioned: DSSC (double sideband, sup- pressed carrier) or, as it is more commonly known, DSB. An appropriate demodulator in a new circuit technique is provided for those who like to become more involved in DSB in future. Conventional amplitude modulation (AM) with carrier should by now be quite familiar. Short-wave, medium- wave and long-wave listening is very common because all the problems of this type of modulation appear to have been solved by the invention of the detector receiver. Nevertheless, for widely varying reasons, the field of telecommunications has provided the impetus to 'invent' many other analogue and digital modulation methods; these are no doubt all justified but make quite different demands on the receiver. with respect to frequency stability of the demodulator. At this stage we would like to present another example of DSB which we encounter daily whilst hardly noticing it. We are referring to the stereo signal from the VHF receiver. Advanced radio enthusiasts will immediately point out that VHF radio operates with FM. This is true, but let us examine the stereo signal. It consists of the frequency band L+R, the pilot tone and two L-R bands around the 38 kHz sub- carrier. The carrier is modulated with DSB demodulator carrier regeneration using the audio-frequency method Theory Nobody really knows why DSB was not able to establish itself successfully. Some cynics tell us that vested interests in SSB carried more weight at the decisive moment. It is possible that the SSB technique was better developed at that time than the DSB technique. In any case, with respect to efficient use of transmitter power, the DSB technique represents a middle route between AM and SSB modulation (figure 1). If, for example, a sinusoidal carrier of a fre- quency of 4 MHz is modulated with a sinusoidal 'information signal' of a fre- quency of 1 kHz, two 'side frequencies' are produced in addition to the carrier frequency (3999 kHz and 4001 kHz). This can be proved mathematically but is beyond the scope of this article. Figure 1 shows a modulated signal as displayed on a spectrum analyser. A spectrum analyser displays the ampli- tude or, in this case the power level of a signal, as a function of frequency and not as a function of time, as is the case with an oscilloscope. Assuming that the information signal does not consist of one frequency but of a mixture of frequencies, bands are obtained instead of lines in the spectrum of the modu- lated signal, one to the left and one to the right of the carrier. Both bands contain precisely the same information. The carrier contains no information but requires the most power, as can be seen in figure 1. If the carrier is then sup- pressed during transmission and the energy it contains is transferred to the information-carrying sidebands, the result is the two types of modulation DSB (DSSC) and SSB. The advantages and disadvantages of SSB were already discussed in the June 1 982 issue. With DSB the effective, information-carrying power is doubled with respect to conventional AM. As with SSB, however, the carrier must be regenerated at the receive end. This is quite a challenge the L— R signal in DSB technique. Thus the carrier is initially missing in the receiver. The entire signal is finally frequency-modulated with the RF carrier. To avoid any misunderstandings, we are not designing a new type of stereo decoder here, but merely wanted to provide an example of DSB! Block diagram Figure 2 shows the block diagram of a DSB superhet receiver. The input signal is mixed with an oscillator signal. The output of this oscillator is some- what higher in frequency than the input signal and is tuned simultaneously with the input signal. In this way the frequency difference between input signal and oscillator signal remains constant over the entire tuning range of the receiver (455 kHz in this example). The 'difference signal' is known as the IF (intermediate frequency). The output signal of the IF amplifier is applied to the input of the DSB demodulator. Mixing then takes place here too, but this time with a square- wave signal from the sampler. The result is an audio-frequency signal from which the carrier (now an AF carrier) is regenerated with relatively simple means. If this carrier is then mixed with the IF signal previously obtained by sub- tractive mixing, the AF signal is pre- sented at the output. The frequencies given in figure 2 relate to the example in figure 1 . The term 'sampler' that appears twice instead of oscillator is not really rel- evant in our case. We are more con- cerned with carrier regeneration than with the details of AM reception. The mathematics of the method are complex and involve many trigonometric formulae. The result is straight-forward, however: if two sinusoidal signals, like the 'side frequencies' that we have already met, are multiplied, the carrier is produced with twice the frequency 10-18 — elektor October 1982 together with some other frequencies which are filtered out. Practice In contrast, the method is clearer in practice. Multiplication of two sinus- oidal signals is normally performed using a 4-quadrant multiplier (ring modulator). We will use a simpler method, however. Since a perfectly sinusoidal signal is not needed at the output, digital multiplication can also be employed. This merely requires an exclusive-OR gate; the original signal and the out-of-phase signal are applied to its inputs. With a phase shift of 90° a square-wave signal appears at its output with twice the frequency of the input signals. This type of phase- comparator, exclusive-OR gate can therefore also be described as a digital 4-quadrant multiplier. Figure 3 shows the circuit of the DSB demodulator which we shall now exam- ine step-by-step. T2 performs the function of the second mixer in the block diagram. The corresponding sampler consists of the oscillator with Fil and T3 and switch T4. All types of filter which can be tuned to 455 kHz can be used. Although the first stage of the demodu- lator still operates at high frequency, it is followed by audio-frequency stages. The IF signal obtained by subtractive mixing is applied to a potent amplifier via buffer A1. The signal is then amplified until a 'clean' square-wave signal is present at the output of comparator A3. The phase- shift mentioned is performed by integrator A4. It is configured so that this phase-shift takes place between approximately 10 and 30 kHz. The 'shifted' signal is shaped into a square- wave signal by comparator A5. Exclus- ive-OR gate N1 forms the digital 4- quadrant multiplier. Ignoring for a moment the PLL circuit IC5, the fre- DSB demodulator quency of the output signal of N1 is then divided down by FF1 to the frequency of the carrier. The low-pass filter consisting of R20/P3 and Cl 9 compensates for the 90° phase-shift caused by the PLL circuit (45 at fvco/2). Comparator A6 forms a square- wave signal from the audio-frequency carrier. The third mixer mainly consists of T5. Two signals are applied to it: the audio- frequency IF signal via low-pass net- work R1 2/C10 and the signal from the sampler consisting of FF2 and N2 . . . N3. This circuit may appear a little strange at first sight, but it is really not compli- cated. It consists of a monostable that is triggered by the audio-frequency carrier. If a positive pulse appears at pin 11 of FF2, output Q becomes a logic 1. After passing through the delay circuit of N2 . . . N4 a pulse appears at differentiating networks C20/R21, but the flip-flop is simultaneously reset and waits for the next triggering chiefly pulse. During this period T5 conducts; the weighted signal is fed to the active low-pass circuit of A8 via buffer A7 and the audio-frequency signal is present at the output (wiper of P5). The PLL circuit of IC5 performs two functions. Firstly, of course, it allows a frequency to be 'locked on' very precisely. Secondly, this frequency is also retained when the control voltage for the VCO has become very low. In our case this signifies the following: when viewed on an oscilloscope the DSB signal looks like beads on a string. One would expect the carrier to be at the points of contact between the beads, but there are none. Since the amplitudes of the signals from the mixture of frequencies of the sidebands are very low in this range, the demodu- lator does not really 'know' whether a useful signal is present. In could simply be noise. Thus, in a manner of speaking, the PLL circuit buffers the generated carrier under conditions of fading field strength, so that the carrier does not disappear again. Application and alignment The DSB demodulator can be utilised in any AM superhet receiver. Since the second mixer is a 'harmonic' type, an IF signal in the range of 455 kHz to approximately 20 MHz can be processed. Figure 2 shows the general configur- ation. The only stage still required at the output of the demodulator is an AF amplifier. Clearly the demodulator also provides advantages in conventional AM reception. Alignment does not involve any prob- lems, because the audible method is used. First connect the AF amplifier to the output of A1. Tune the receiver to a conventional AM transmission (with carrier) so that a signal is present at the output of the IF amplifier. Adjust the core of Fil so that the whistle in the loudspeaker is just at the audible frequency limit (about 15 kHz). If this tone sounds distorted, the mixer is being overdriven. In that case PI should be adjusted so that the whistle is barely undistorted. In the second alignment step, connect the AF amplifier to its real location in the circuit, i.e. to the wiper of P5. Set P2 . . . P5 to their middle positions. Then adjust P4 so that the PLL circuit 'locks on'. When a transmission is received, i.e. when modulation is present, (the whistle should cease when the circuit locks on). It may be necessary to shift the range by adjusting P2. In the third alignment step, adjust P3 | so that the AF signal reaches its maxi- mum. This is precisely the case when the carrier is subjected to a phase-shift of 45° by low-pass network P3/C19. Finally, the output level can be matched to the following amplification stage by adjusting P5. The entire alignment process should be repeated several times. In particular, the distortion caused by selective fading should cease. Instead a kind of phasing effect appears. One thing becomes clear from the description of the alignment process: if the demodulator does not precisely 'lock on' to the transmission, an un- pleasant howling and whistling is heard from the loudspeaker. For this reason, one should tune twice: first in the normal manner with the existing detector and then precisely with the demodulator described here. The only additional controls required on the receiver are a changeover switch and a potentiometer. We hope that this circuit will contribute to an improve- ment in your short-wave reception. M 10-20 -ele 1982 ■C.D. thermometer The 7106 is a well known 1C in the world of A/D converters, and was chosen for three main reasons. Firstly this 1C is a 'jack of all trades' and is widely used in all forms of voltage or temperature measuring instruments. Secondly, because it is universally available and relatively inexpensive. Last but not least, the 7106 and its big brother (7116), have so many functions already integrated within themselves that only a few passive components and a LCD are needed to complete a good circuit. The 7106 contains an A/D converter, clock generator, reference voltage dependant upon the time. In turn the contents of the counter are then dis- played on the LCD. The advantage of using this method is that a relatively simple and straigthforward oscillator can be applied. The oscillator frequency of the 1C is in fact determined by the values of R2 and C3. This frequency also determines the number of 'samples' taken in every second. As a matter of interest, using the values as indicated in the circuit diagram, three samples are taken every second. The 1C ensures a zero setting before each 'sample', or measurement, auto- matically. Quite simply, the inputs are L.CJ). thermometer source, BCD-to-seven-segment decoders, and latch and display drivers! Quite a bundle of energy! And even if this array of goodies was not enough, it is also equipped with an automatic zero correction, and polarity indication. The 7116 (believe it or not), not only has everything the 7106 has to offer, but also includes a hold facility enabling the read-out to be frozen, if required. The circuit described here is designed to accept either 1C, allowing the con- structor to decide which of the two he prefers to use. The circuit diagram The circuit as shown in figure 1 is really nothing more than a digital voltmeter, which in turn measures the voltage drop across a temperature sensor. The dual slope conversion principle is applied for the voltage measurement. Basically the input voltage from the sensor charges capacitor C4 for a fixed period of time. The capacitor then discharges, the rate at which the capaci- tor is discharged being determined by the reference voltage. The actual time it takes for the capacitor to discharge fully (return to zero) is then pro- portional to the input voltage level. During the discharge period, pulses from an oscillator are stored in a counter, obviously the number of pulses first of all decoupled internally from the actual input pins and then short cir- cuited. The automatic zero capacitor (C5 in this case) is charged via a separate feedback loop, so that the offset voltages of the buffer amplifier, inte- grator, and comparator are compensated for, inside the 1C. This guarantees any measurement really does start from 0 V, and that when the display reads 000, it does denote a 0 input voltage. The temperature measurement stage is straightforward if somewhat sophisti- cated. It contains three voltage dividers: R10 and R11; R8/P1; R9/P2. The junction of the first divider containing the sensor R11 is connected to the 'IN HI' input of the 1C. The wiper of is linked to the jt and the wiper the 'REF HI' in- effect the circuit measures the differential voltage between one side of the sensor and the wiper of PI. Any measurement is com- pletely independant of the supply voltage level, because the reference voltage of the 1C is also derived from the supply (via the divider R9/P2). Keep in mind that a full scale readout will be equal to twice the reference voltage. Any decrease in supply voltage will not change the readout, because the reference voltage will decrease by the same amount (when compared with the measuring voltage that is). Resistor R4 and capacitor C6 act as a input smoothing filter. The display is driven directly by the 1C. The EXOR gate N2 ensures that the decimal point is activated, by supplying the inverted backplane signal to the corresponding LCD points. The circuit also has a low battery indication function. The display denotes this by either an arrow or the term 'Low Bat'. An EXOR gate also controls this function! Transistor T1 is used as a supply voltage level detector. The emitter is connected to the junction of R5 and R7, and its base to the test connection of the 1C. This pin not only allows the display . . . accurate to 0.1 of a degree During the past few months, the Elektor offices have been inun- dated with requests for a digital thermometer. In answer to all these requests, and to relieve the pressure on our technical queries department, we present a digital circuit using a special 1C and a LCD display. The design is inexpensive, but, nevertheless accurate, precise, and has a very low power consump- tion! The range of the instrument is from — 50° C to +150°C. The temperature is displayed 0.1 degree at a time, therefore making it suitable for practically any appli- cation. itself to be tested (by connecting it to a +5V supply), but, moreover can provide us with a positive stabilised d.c. voltage! By choosing the right ratio between R5 and R7, T1 will cutoff the moment the supply voltage drops below 7.2 V. As a result the collector voltage of T2 increases, causing N1 to activate the correct notation on the display. A 9 V battery such as a PP3 is quite sufficient, since the circuit consumes only a few milli-amps. A mains supply is also possible, and it is for this reason that R1 and the zener D1 are added to the circuit. The temperature sensor There are various types of sensors on the market, and the only reason we have picked two particular ones, is that they are inexpensive. Original tests showed the KTY 10 from Siemens to be ideal, but, as this can be difficult to get hold of, we also tried the TSP102 manufactured by Texas Instruments which worked well. Most of the types looked at consisted of a silicon plate, whose resistance depended on the temperature. The only real difference between types was their temperature range. The KTY10, for instance ranged from -50°C to +1 50 C, whereas the TSP was effectiv| over a range from — 55°C to 125 C. The first version has a nominal resistance of 2000 ft at 25°C and the TSP 1 000 ft again at 25°C. The temperature co- efficient was 0.75%/°C and 0.7%/°C respectively. These last figures denoting the resistance increase, per degree celcius, as a percentage over the nominal value. The accuracy of the circuit is mainly dependant on the width of the measuring range. Which type to use is left to the discretion of the constructor. A serial resistor (R10) is applied (in series with the sensor) in order to stabilise the linearity of the sensor, especially when small measuring ranges are required. Table 2 provides a sum- mary of several ranges, with the linearity error, and serial resistor values needed. Table 3 describes, in detail, the differing sensors, together with their housing dimensions and type numbers. Construction Figure 2 illustrates the specially de- signed printed circuit board of the circuit. The dimensions of the board and the way that the components have been grouped together allow the com- pleted circuit to fit into a case manu- factured by Vero (type Nr. 65-2996H). Provision has been made for all the components to be mounted onto the printed circuit board. Constructors should make sure that low profile sockets are used for I C 1 , IC2 and the display. The display can be inserted into a 40 pin socket which has been sawn in half. We also advise the use of good quality multi-turn presets. As with anything made of glass, great care should be taken when handling the display, especially when inserting it into its socket. Too much pressure on the glass plates may cause the display to appear internally smudged, 12v permanently! When using the circuit as a normal thermometer, the decimal point DPI should be connected to point Y by means of a wire link. Obviously, depending on the application, the decimal point can be moved around, by using a rotary or slide switch, if required. As already stated earlier, the circuit !2V is designed to take either the 7106 or the 7116. For the 7106 wire links are required across points A and B and 06, as shown on the component overlay illustration of the printed circuit board. In the case of the 7116, link 06 is be removed and replaced with a link on points '16' Should you then require the ability to freeze (hold) the display reading, link AB has to be replaced with __ a simple on/off press button switch. Keep in mind that this facility is not available when using the 7106. The sensor can be connected to the circuit by means of ordinary insulated wire, the length of which is not critical. In fact anything up to 30 metres is possible without difficulty. For re- liability we suggest encapsulating the soldered connections of the sensor with epoxy resin or glue. A PP3 type 9 V battery is ideal for the power supply, as it has the advan- tage of fitting nicely into the battery compartment of the Vero case. Constructors wishing to feed the circuit from the mains, can install a miniature supply socket next to the battery, to cater for a 9 V mains adapter. Figure 3 clearly illustrates how this should be wired. The battery supply will be automatically cut off immediately a power plug is inserted. A single bolt or screw with a spacer ensures the circuit is firmly fixed into the case. A piece of clear perspex in the window of the case will protect the + 40°C +100°C +140°C +13(fC +150°C +0.08 +0,03 +0.07 +0.6 . — 0,04°C . — 0.02°C . — 0.04 o C . — 0.6°C ,-1®C jr TS . . . 1 02 sensors .+ 45°C ,+100°C . + 1 25°C display. The switches, sockets and so forth can be mounted in the power part of the housing. The current consumption of the circuit when using the most commonly avail- able sensor (TSP102) is only 2 mA. Several sensors, which are activated consecutively by a separate switch can also be used. To do this correctly, sensors have to be selected for equality, otherwise errors in measurement readings will occur. Calibration Perhaps we have been a little too quick to explain how to install the circuit into the case, because first of all it has to be calibrated. Initially the sensor has to be placed into a small cup of chopped melting ice. The cup should contain more ice than water, and the water must cover the ice com- pletely. Give the sensor time to react (about 5 minutes), and turn PI until the display reads 00.0. P2 sets the scale factor. How this is adjusted depends on the measuring range required. For lower temperatures (— 25°C to +45°C), P2 can best be calibrated using a normal thermometer. Insert both thermometers into a bowl of water having a tempera- ture of around 36 ... 38 C, give the sensor a little time to react, and then set P2 so that the reading on the display corresponds. Higher measuring ranges can be cali- brated by suspending the sensor boiling water, and then adjusting P2 until the readout is 100°C. The only critical aspects of this procedure are to ensure that the water really is boiling and that the sensor does not touch the sides, or bottom of the kettle. Finally as you have completed the circuit, why waste the hot water. Make a nice cup of tea and relax. H 10-24 - elektor Jber 1982 Measuring distances is not difficult, especially when the right equipment is available. Modern technology has certainly done away with the old comical approach of measuring the shelf size by spreading your arms out. For short distances a simple ruler will do, but, in surveying, everything from, chains, theodolites, and sonic equip- ment is used. The main advantage of using ultrasonic sound is, that the need for any mechan- ical parts is completely eliminated, simplifying construction considerably. In practice we found the circuit to be accurate upto about 10 metres, which is very good considering the circuit is ultrasonic distance measurement a good starting point for experimentation There are several ways to measure distances. The method adopted depends not only on what is being measured, but also on your occupation. The circuit described utilises ultrasonic sound, working on the principle that as, sound travels through the air at a known speed, the time taken and therefore the distance travelled between two points, can be easily determined. only a starting point for further experimentation. Before going on to describe the circuit in any great detail, it is interesting to know a little about the definition of a 'metre', and in the various ways the standard has been arrived at over the last 300 years. Exactly one metre The 'metre' started life around 1792. At sometime during that year it was decided to define the standard as: one millionth part of one quarter of the earth’s peripheral circumference. Fine in theory, but, totally inaccurate in practice. Scientists soon found out that the circumference of the globe was constantly changing. A new standard was determined in 1799, and seemingly quickly forgotten, as far as the history books are con- cerned. The next one to be recorded anu iu appeared in 100 a, a mere 90 years later. This was made of a mixture of platinum and iridium. It is this reference standard which can be seen in Sevres, near Paris. Rumour, at the time, gave the idea (unjustifiably) that the standard was based upon the hight of Napoleon II and as his stature was diminishing with every military defeat, it could not be accepted. For whatever reason (perhaps best left unsaid) the rest of the world continued to search for a more accurate standard. As most of you are aware one particular country in europe (remaining nameless), took nearly 300 years to even come to terms with the fact that a metre even existed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists started to look at the possibility of using the wavelength of light to define the metre. Conse- quently the cadmium lamp became the international standard for spectroscopy in 1927. For the uninitiated, this means the study, measurement, and analysing, of rays, light and other phenomena by optical means. The actual unit of length was defined as the Angstrom (1 A = 10 10 m). Even this was not good enough for certain applications, although it is still used as a secondary definition. The modern standard was established in 1960 using the wavelength of a krypton lamp, which as a matter of interest was not supplied by the famous strip cartoon gentleman. The metre is defined as equaling 1 650763,73 wavelengths of radiation (measured in a vacuum) released by Krypton isotope 86KV during its transition between 2p 10 and 5d s . The multiplication factor remained, because scientists still wished to relate the new standard to the old original A new way of defining the standard is now emerging, using the helium-neon- laser, and so it will not be long before a more complex result will be , accepted. It is a fact of life that the more ad- vanced our technology, the more accurate any standard measure has to be. Measuring distances To summarise, the ways that distances are normally measured can be placed into three main catagories. • mechanically • optically • electronically The mechanical method does not need explaining, as the tools are rather obvious. Optically, distances are measured in a trigonometric way (triangles). Last but not least we have the electronic system of measurement. Nearly all methods use some form of radiation like radio waves, light, sonic or infra- red rays. As the propagation speeds of all of these are known, it is a matter jber 1982 - of determining the time taken for a waveform to travel between two points. Infra-red radiation is mainly used for great distances (a number of miles), as it is relatively simply to modulate. Electronic equipment has been used to measure distances of 60 miles and above, but the effectiveness of such systems depends on a number of factors, such as atmospheric conditions, visi- bility and so on. With the advent of space technology, lasers are used in combined electro- optical systems to determine the hight at which satellites are orbiting the earth. In practice All the methods so far described are mainly used to measure great distances. The average man in the street, certainly does not require sophisticated equip- ment to decide the size of his living- room carpet, unless of course he lives in a mansion house or castle. There is one popular hobby in which the accurate measurement of distances is very important; photography! As we all know, it is essential to determine the exact distance between the subject being photographed, and the camera, otherwise the lens cannot be adjusted correctly for focus. The industry supplies quite a lot of aids and equip- ment which overcomes this problem. Most cameras utilise some form of optical trigonometric system, with two or more indicators within the view finder which have to be aligned by rotating the range adjustment of the camera. Reflex cameras for instance, use a complex network consisting of a fronted glass, a wedge frame and tiny prisms. During the last few years, a number of manufacturers have introduced the automatic focusing camera. Quite a few employ a system of mirrors and LL prisms, with an electric servo motor moving the lens accordingly. Some are even equipped with an infra-red LED and lens enabling the camera to be automatically focused at night. A recent development, worth a closer look is the new sophisticated system introduced by Polaroid. The Polaroid system When considering automatic focusing cameras, the Polaroid system is some- thing really special, in as much as it is the only one using ultrasonic sound. A large honey-comb patterned gold coloured disc on the outside of the camera casing acts as the transducer (transmitter/receiver) for the sonic pulses. Figure 1 illustrates the actual distance meter contained within the camera. The transducer sends out a 'burst' of 1 ms duration. This consists of a series of pulses each having a different fre- quency, four to be precise (60, 57, 53 and 50 kHz). The reason for so many frequencies is that it is possible for a particular frequency to be ab- sorbed, rather than reflected, by the subject being photographed. The chance of this happening depends on the shape and material of the topic. So, rather than putting all the eggs in one basket, by transmitting four frequencies, the reflection of at least one is ensured. The transducer then switches over to reception immediately the burst has been transmitted. The reflected signal . it receives is then amplified and fed to a digital circuit which determines the time interval between transmission and reception. The circuit processes the signal and in turn controls a servo mechanism, which adjusts the lens to the correct focus setting. The gain of the receiving amplifier can be varied (in 16 steps), dependant on the distance the signal (burst), has had to travel. Obviously the greater the distance between camera and subject, the weaker the signal. The system is proven and therefore functions well and accurately. It is effective up to a maximum of 1 0 metres, which is more than sufficient for normal photographic purposes. The ultrasonic distance meter The Elektor design team have combined their thoughts, together with the ideas contained in the Polaroid innovation to come up with an ultrasonic distance meter. As mentioned earlier sound, ultrasonic or otherwise has a known speed through air. Therefore the time taken to travel from transmitter to subject and back again can be used to determine the distance. The transmitted 'burst' supplies a start pulse to a counter which operates at the same frequency as the propagation speed of sound in cms per second. The received re- flected signal provides the stop pulse. The counter would therefore give the distance over which the Burst has travelled. This value would obviously be twice the distance between the object and the transmitter, so, a simple division by two would give us the correct answer. Figure 2 illustrates in block diagram form what we have just described; transmitter, receiver, counter with readout, and an oscillator switched on and off by the transmitted and received pulses. The circuit diagram The circuit diagram of the complete circuit is shown in figure 3. The trans- mitter consists of gates N1 and N2, which together form a bridge circuit. The ultrasonic transducer US1 is con- nected between the two gate outputs to ensure an a.c. voltage 1 8 Vpn exists across it (with a supply of 9 V). N1 also acts as an oscillator, which is switched on and off via N3. Its fre- quency, set by PI , depends on the type of transducer used. This particular design has a 40 kHz type from TOKO, but, there are others that will do the job. The oscillator frequency is adjusted by PI to as near 40 kHz as possible as this is the point at which the trans- ducer reaches its maximum efficiency. The receiver has been kept simple because of the experimental character of the circuit. Two consecutive emitter circuits (T5 and T6), amplify the signal received by US2. T7 operates as a threshold detector, as it only conducts when its base voltage is lower than the supply (-6V). To put it another way; T7 conducts when the a.c. voltage (measured at the wiper of P2) exceeds 1.2 Vpp. A further oscillator is con- structed using IC3 and its surrounding components (R17, R18, P3 and C9). IC3 is in fact a 2 14 divider with built in oscillator. The frequency is set to 17190 Hz using P3, since the speed of sound is 343.8 m/s at a temperature of 20°C; The 214 digit DVM published in our February 1981 issue is used as a counter with readout. I Cl (counter, latch and display control) directly drives the displays Dp2 . . . Dp4, which are multiplexed by I Cl via transistors T2 . . . T4. IC2 feeds a stabilised 5 V supply to the counter and display stage of the circuit. IC1 is able to drive 4 displays, but Dpi and T1 (from original DVM circuit), are omitted, as only three are required here. Nearly all the other components in the circuit are needed to synchronise the various stages. The importance of correct timing is illustrated in figure 4. This denotes the differing pulses and frequencies present at various points in the circuit. With an oscillator frequency of 17190 Hz, output Q14 of IC3 will have a signal frequency of approxi- mately 1 Hz, (17190/2 14 ). This output is connected to the latch input of IC1 via a monoflop (N6, R19, CIO) and also to the reset input via inverter N7 and a second monoflop (N8, R20, Cl 1 ). With the arrival of a negative going edge at Q14, a short pulse is fed to the latch input. A positive going edge at Q14 supplies the reset input with a pulse instead. The signal from Q14 is inverted by N7 and fed to 2 further monoflops; one (N3, RIO, C5) driving the trans- mitter and another (N4, R 1 1 , C6) connected to the reset input of flip-flop FF1. The clock input of FF1 is connec- ted to T7 and its 0 output to N5. Therefore I Cl gets a reset pulse with every arrival of a positive going edge at the Q1 4 output of IC3, automatically zeroing the counter. At the same time the monoflop around N3 is activated (with a negative going edge at the output of N7), thus releasing a signal from the transmitter/oscillator for 0.3 ms. During this time period US1 transmits about 12 (40 Hz) pulses, which are then reflected by the subject, and received by US2. Simultaneously, the moment the ultrasonic signal is transmitted, FF1 is reset and held by monoflop N4 (almost 2 ms). Conse- quently output 0 becomes logic T and the signal from the 17190 Hz oscillator is fed to the counter (IC1) via N5. Once the received and amplified sonic signal (burst) reaches the clock input of FF1, output 0 becomes logic '0' with N5 blocking the counter input of I Cl . The counter now contains the actual distance measured in cms. N6 activates the latch moving the contents of the counter into the latch, which is then displayed. The counter is reset by the next positive going edge at Q14 allowing a new measurement to be taken. The previous readout remains on display until the information from a new measured distance arrives. New readings can be taken every second. There are some further aspects of the circuit which need a further expla- nation. US2 will of course pick up the transmitted signal immediately, unless we do something about it. If we do not avoid this the counter will be cut-off straight away defeating the whole exercise. We get over this problem by ensuring that the mono-time of N4 is considerably longer than the time it takes to transmit the 'burst' (2 ms). During this time frame the flipflop remains in the reset position, not caring whether a signal is present at the clock input or not. After the 2 ms FF1 is released so that the circuit does not confuse a reflected signal with a direct one. The only drawback of this inbuilt delay is that distances less than 35 cms cannot be measured, so you will have to rely on a ruler. The circuit does not include an AGC in the receiver stage or an automatic error compensator (comparing a number of consecutive readings for the same distance), in order to keep it as simple as possible. Constructional points to consider The counter and display stages can be mounted onto one of our ready made printed circuit boards, as listed in the EPS lists as number 81105-1, (first issued in February 1981). Remember that Dpi, T1, C2a and C2b illustrated on the component overlay of this board are omitted. One side of R8 is fed to the decimal point (Dp2) the other to ground. Pin 6 of I Cl must also be connected to ground. We suggest using veroboard for the rest of the circuit. Keep wiring as short as possible and the transmitting/receiving stages separated from each other. The two transducers are mounted side by 4 elektor October 1982 — 10-27 -«'»*■* '<=' n # i-— r I“~" j. y. direct signal BB| r- Figure 4. This figure denote! the different pulses and frequ. in the circuit. mcies present at various [ to be placed further apart, and a higher side, (not touching) both facing exactly the same direction. We advise the use of flat 4.5 V batteries as a mains supply may cause stability problems. Power consumption is rather high at 250 mA, but this cannot be avoided when using a LED display. The use of an LCD was discounted as being too expensive for just an experimental circuit. Even so, the batteries should still have a long life simply because the circuit would normally be used a few seconds at a The correct operation of several com- ponents and stages can be checked without the need for a scope. Interrupt the connection between N5 and the clock input and connect the latter to pin 4 of IC3 (output Q8). The display should then read 128. When the clock input is shorted to ground the display should read 000. This is a good way to check both the display and oscillator stage around IC3. The transmitting function can be checked quite easily, just by listening to US1 . Although the actual 40 Hz signal cannot be heard, the 'burst' will be heard as a soft click, (one every second). Should you happen to hear Radio 3, then something is certainly wrong. In that case write to us and tell us how you did it! Testing the receiver is not easy, but you can assume all is well when the d.c. voltage at the collectors of T5 and T6 is approxi- mately 4.5 V. Once all this is done then the complete circuit can be tested and calibrated. Turn the wiper of P2 to maximum, and take a note of the reading. This is produced by the counter between the reset and latch pulses, which are always half a second apart. It is important to remember that this reading will always be displayed when the receiver does not pick up a reflected signal. Now aim the circuit at an object like a closet, which is one metre away and has a vertical area of at least one metre square. Slowly rotate P2 backwards, until a certain point is reached when the display reads approximately 1 metre. Should this not occur and the read out is in the range of 40 to 60, then the transducers will have value capacitor used for C6. Once a setting of P2 is arrived at, which corre- sponds to a reading of 1 metre, we can go on to the next stage, which is to set the 40 Hz frequency. Keeping the circuit in the same position, rotate P2, clockwise until the display is blank. Now rotate PI, until a reading is once again displayed. This procedure is repeated until it is no longer possible to blank out the display by any further adjustment of P2. Reposition the circuit a measured distance of let us say 5 metres from the subject and reset P2 only until the correct reading is displayed. Finally position the circuit an exact distance (3 metres) always from the same subject, and adjust P3 until the display indicates the correct reading, and that is it! We obtained very good results with the prototype. The accuracy was ± 2 cm at a maximum distance of 7 ... 8 metres. The accuracy is de- pendant on the ambient temperature, air pressure and humidity, as these factors, influence the speed of sound. The range of the instrument can be extended by increasing the gain of the receiver and by increasing the transmitting voltage. Equiping the meter with an offset adjustment (to correspond to the length of the meter housing), will allow wall to wall measurements. This particular design can also be used in a car, so that the driver is always aware of the distance between himself and a wall or other vehicle. Very useful when trying to parkl In fact this idea has already been put into practice by certain manufacturers. Any reader wishing to do this can modify the circuit quite easily by substituting the display for an acous- tic indication. A series of rapid bleeps, which increase in number as the distance decreases, until a continuous tone is heard, advising an immediate halt, (unless you want to pay the repair bill that is). 10-28 - elektor October 1982 When deciding which capacitors to use, consideration should be given to re- liability, the permissible range of oper- ating conditions, size and so on. Size is important especially when building high density circuits, and last but not least price. Keep in mind, that, any need for special current limiting resistors is going to increase the overall cost of using tantalums. Even so, tantalum capacitors are used widely, where the operating characteristics of the capacitor is critical. Quite a few Elektor circuits specify the use of tantalums, and not just because they are small and good to look at. They have a stable capacitive value, and a long shelf life. The impedance is vir- tually unaffected by frequency changes. So, on the face of it tantalums are ideal. However, they do have one major draw- back; price! applications, and certainly fell down, for high frequency designs. From the offset for many applications the tantalums did not have too much competition, and with the craze for miniaturisation they filled a need straight away. The biggest factor initially in favour of tantalums was this question of shelf life. Even after years of storage, their current leakage, and value remain unchanged. In fact their shelf stability is about 100 times better than the wet aluminium type. Apart from everything so far explained the tantalums were not embarrassed by temperature. The wet electrolytics are affected quite considerably by tempera- ture, causing large increases in the leakage current level. It is this failure to dissipate heat that causes their mediocre conductance. elecirolytics run dry everything you wished to know! So far for many industrial and professional applications wet electrolytics and tantalums have ruled the roost. With new innovations and technological advancements, it is now possible to use alternatives which can be cheaper and more reliable. Many factors need consideration when making the right choice, and a good knowledge of the merits and limitations of the different types available is useful. In fact a comparison shows that the new solid aluminium electrolytics, can be used as alternatives for tantalums, and in many respects can be seen to be better. With such an incentive as this, some type of alternative was needed. With the constant improvement in tech- nology, coupled with energy saving and the conservation of natural resources, many experts started to question the sanity of using tantalum for capacitors. Tantalum is now in limited supply, as with everything else, and its price is increasing by leaps and bounds. So, why use tantalums? We must first of all keep in mind that at the time that they emerged onto the market, the only other type, with which they could be compared, were the wet aluminium electrolytics. These were and still are inexpensive, but are generally larger than any solid counterpart and suffered from a relatively short shelf life. By this we mean, that after long storage, their leakage current increases, and can only be restored to its original value by post-forming. Also, if they are used close to their maximum operating temperature, their life expectancy, which is normally far less than solid types, is curtailed even more. The wet type could not be used in certain new By comparison the tantalums have a wide operating range as far as tempera- ture is concerned, making them suitable for filters and oscillators. Hence the reason why they are widely used in Elektor designs. Most of you by now must probably think that the writer must be com- pletely sold on tantalums. Not so! They do have, what can be termed as incon- veniences, rather than faults or disad- vantages: • The voltage level they can sustain when connected the wrong way round is extremely small, even for a very short interval. They breakdown rapidly and can explode easily. • Their a.c. voltage performance is poor and further diminished at high frequencies and temperatures. • The charge/discharge rate resistance is 3 S2/V, making it necessary to use series resistors. • A surcharge, whether it is of a thermo, current, or voltage nature, will cause immediate breakdown, short circuiting and a possible explosion. • The price of each item is quickly approaching prohibitive levels. All in all tantalums are certainly not perfect, mind you what is these days! Should series resistors not be used in order to limit the charge/discharge rate, then the results are always fatal. This is because field crystallisation will occur, causing short circuiting. At the beginning of the article we ex- plained all the advantages of using tantalums; impedance, heat dissipation, life span, high frequency performance and so on. But, it seems that it did not take us very long to arrive at the con- clusion that even these are not as good as we would wish. As with many things, it is a fact of life that the more you use something the less appealing it becomes. Notice that we do not say everything. jber 1982 - 10-29 Figure 3. Structure of a solid aluminium electrolytic. since the good things in life are always welcome. Luckily the capacitor manufacturers have not stood still and have come up with a relatively new development. Using deeply-etched foil an axial-lead solid aluminium electrolytic has been created, achieving a high CV density making them less expensive replace- ments for tantalums. Although they are not going to depose the latter com- pletely, they will be very widely used in a variety of industrial and professional equipment. Solid aluminium capacitors The solid aluminium electrolytic has a comparable performance with the tan- talum type, but not only is it cheaper, but it does have a few advantages. Figure 1 shows the different com- Figure 5. Stability of the main electrical parameters of the three types of electrolytic as a function of time. The curves are for a 0.1 pF item measure at 85°C. ponents which go to make a tantalum. There are a lot of similarities in con- struction with the solid aluminium type (SAL). Looking at figure 1, you will note that the former has layers of silver, graphite and manganese dioxide (MNOj) which form the cathode. Then comes a dielectric layer and finally the anode made of tantalum. This is sintered to the tantalum oxide (dielectric layer). Figure 3 shows the make up of a SAL. The cathode is composed of the same materials as the tantalum. The real difference between the two lies in the fact that, the anode is composed of deeply etched aluminium and that the dielectric layer is aluminium oxide AL2O3. Hence the remarkable conduc- tivity of the solid aluminium electro- lytic! These SALs, to coin a phrase, are very robust to say the least. They can operate near their maximum temperature ratings without shortening their life span, and do not have any catastrophic failure mechanism. In other words they are not going to blow-up in your face at the wrong moment. An added bonus is the fact that series resistors are not needed. The values already available are in the range 47...1000pF and one major manufacturer has proposed to make smaller ones with 0.22 ... 47 pF, but, it may take some time before these are available. They are slightly larger than their equivalent counterparts, and although being less expensive than tantalums they are marginally more costly than the wet type. Present applications include telecom- munications, space programs, and power stations. Their small size and robustness make ideal for the automobile industry. Because they are being improved upon all the time, a rosy future lies ahead of them. To summarise the main characteristics of the SAL are: • Lower price. • Their voltage rating remains un- changed throughout the operating range, even at high temperatures (-80 to 1 75°C) . • The allowed d.c. voltage (reversed) is around 33% of their rated voltage. • Does not require current limiting. • a.c. voltages (up to limits) can be handled and do not adversely affect their performance. • Their impedance fall more steeply with increasing frequency than any other type. • They can withstand 50/100 Hz a.c. voltages up to a level which is 80% of their d.c. rating. • Temperature stable, and low failure rate coupled with longevity. darkroom computer photometer, temperature meter and process timer darkroom computer Readers who have already read the 'instructions for use' in the previous issue, will have a pretty good idea of the capabilities of the darkroom computer. However, before all the available features can be used the necessary accessories have to be constructed. In this case there are three such circuits; to measure light, temperature and a time/ sequence indicator. The processor timer is little more than a box containing a series of LEDs in a line giving an optical indication of the passing of time. After all, it is nice to know how much longer a particular photograph has to remain in the devel- opment tank of bath, rather than panic at the last moment when the acoustic alarm is heard. The rows of LEDs, in efect, indicate the amount of time that has elapsed since the start button was pressed. How long each LED remains lit and at which point the buzzer sounds is determined by the computer. The alarm can sound after 15 or 25 LEDs have consecutively lighted, de- pending on the time frame decided The light meter is used to establish the correct exposure of the paper and check the contrast of a negative. A special colour corrected diode converts the quantity of light it detects into a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal, which is then fed to the computer. The electronic thermometer keeps a continuous check on the temperature of tanks and baths, and is accurate to ± 0.1 C. This kind of accuracy is achieved by using a sensor with ex- cellent linearity properties. Each individual circuit has its own specially designed printed circuit board, with provision for mounting all com- ponents. The circuits are all separately housed and are connected to the com- puter with multi-way ribbon cable. The process timer The circuit of the process timer, as illustrated in figure 1, consists of 25 LEDs and two four-to-sixteen decoders. The address inputs of IC1 and IC2 are connected to lines PB0 . . . PB4, whereas, the LEDs are connected to outputs 1 ... 15 of IC1 and 0 ... 9 of IC2. The operation is straightforward. The binary code (which LED lights when) is fed to lines PB0 . . . PB4. PB4 is logic 'O', enabling IC1 , that is to say as long as the binary number is below 16. When the binary number is between 16 and 25, then PB4 will be logic 'T and IC2 will be enabled. The LED display is multiplexed in the interests of the power supply. During 2.5 ms the first code for the first LED is put onto lines PB0 . . . PB4, and during the next 2.5 ms the code for the second and so on. If only one LED is 'running', during the second time period a '0' will be on lines PB0 . . .PB4, and as output o of IC1 is disconnected nothing will happen. jber 1982 - 10-31 The set-reset flip-flop, constructed around N1 and N2, is on the left-hand 1 side of the circuit diagram. This flip-flop really acts as a noise suppressor for switch SI, and is linked to the NMI connection of the processor. D epre ssing SI, the flip-flop supplies the NMI line with a negative going edge, which starts the process timer program and lights the first LED. Pressing SI a second time starts a second LED 'running' at a time interval from the first, enabling two processes to be timed. If SI is then depressed a third time, nothing will happen. Programming the timer is described in the constructions for use published in the previous article (part 1). The oscillator and piezo buzzer is activated when a logic 'V appears on line PB6. Potentiometer PI adjusts the output volume of the buzzer. One aspect of the total process timer is important. After having read both articles it becomes apparant that there are in fact two timers. One, let us call it the second one is included in the computer, whereas, the first ( a separate one) forms part of the remote circuit. This first timer works completely independantly of the second and therefore the computer, which allows all the other facilities to be utilised without interruption; ligth and tem- perature measurements, the running of the second timer and so on. The light meter As can be seen by looking at the circuit diagram in figure 2, the light meter is the smallest accessory. However, it would be a mistake to assume that it is also the simplest. After all the dif- ferences in light levels to be measured in any darkroom are going to be very small indeed! It is therefore essential to have a good quality sensor such as the BPW21. This particular photo diode has almost the same light and colour sensitivity as the human eye, which makes it also suitable for colour defi- nition measurements. Further more its conversion of light to current is extremely good, as far as linearity is concerned (range of 10' 2 . . . 10 s lux). A photo diode reacts very quickly to changing light conditions, in contrast to light dependant resistors (LDRs) which need a considerable amount of time to adjust especially in low levels of light. The current flowing through the photo diode is proportional to the intensity of light. So that the processor can handle the information, the current has to be converted into some form of digital signal. The simplest solution was to use a current to PWM converter. A closer look at figure 2 may give the idea that the photo diode is short circuited, after all it is connected between the ground and the inverting input of IC1. This is correct, because this forms a virtual earth connection due to the feedback loop via IC1. This technique is used to ensure that the operation of Figure 1 . The circuit diagram for the process timer. The passage of time is displayed by of 25 LEDs. 2 10-32 -ele 1982 the diode is independant (as much as possible) of ambient temperature changes. The current supplied by the photo diode to IC1 ensures an increase in the output voltage of the 1C. The speed at which the voltage increases is directly proportional to the rise in current, and therefore to the intensity of light. The output of IC1 is fed to a 7555 timer (a CMOS 555 timer). The input of the timer remains logic '1' as long as the input voltage of IC2 does not exceed 3.33 V. At this level or higher, the output is pulled low ('0'), only returning to logic '1', when the input voltage becomes 1.66 V or lower. Supposing an output voltage from IC1 slightly below 1 .66 V, then the output of IC2 will be logic 'V. In this case FET T2 will conduct and FET T1, which is connected as a diode will cut off. However, the voltage level at the output of the integrator (IC1 and Cl) increases, due to the current supplied by the photo diode. As soon as the output level reaches 3.33 V, the output of IC2 will change (to logic '0'), T2 will switch off causing a current to be fed to Cl via R2, T1 and R1 . This current not only flows in the opposite direction, but, is also much stronger that that supplied by the photo diode. As a result the output voltage level of IC1 will reduce, very quickly. Consequently when the output of IC1 reaches 1.66 V, the output of IC2 will return to a logic '1', causing T2 to conduct and T1 to cut off again. As the current from 01 is integrated, the output voltage increases again starting the complete sequence all over from the beginning. The events just described are repeated continuously. The point of all this, is that it establishes the fact that the output of IC2 only remains as logic '1' during the integration of the photo diode current. Therefore the length of time during which a logic 'V situation exists is proportional to the intensity of light detected by the photo diode. The greater the intensity the shorter the time! The only thing left for the processor to do is to decide upon the width of the pulses in order to calculate the right exposure time. The processor determines the average value by sam- pling the pulses supplied during 2 seconds. In this way any measurement cannot be influenced by any 100 Hz modulated light source, such as the lamp of the enlarger. Remember that this lamp is controlled by a 50 Hz a.c voltage supply. Some readers may still be puzzled as to why a FET (T1) is used as a diode. The voltage drop between the drain and darkroom computer source of T2 is still a few millivolts when it is conducting. Therefore T1 prevents any current flow through R1, no matter how small. Should current flow via R1 any measurement will be cancelled out, since the current through the diode is still about 100 pA, with low levels of light. At low voltages, a FET connected in this way has a much lower voltage leakage than any normal diode. For example at 200 mV, a BF256A used in this way has a current leakage of 20 pA, whereas a 1N4148 would have about 12 nA! Quite a a difference! With such low current levels a very low leakage integration capacitor is also necessary. A type which has a time constant of more than 100 s should be used for Cl . In other words the internal leakage resistance multiplied by the capacitance must exceed 100 s. The input current of IC1 is typically 2 pA, with a supply voltage of 5 V, which means it does not need to be taken into consideration (negligible). The thermometer The electronic thermometer also works under the same principle of pulse widths. The sensor in this circuit is an LM 335, which is in effect a temperature sensitive zener diode. The voltage Figure 4. The printed circuit board for the process timer has been designed to fit the BOC 430 case from West Hyde. supplied by this diode in mV is equiv- alent to ten times the temperature in degrees kelvin, so that at 0 C (273 K) the diode voltage is 2.73 V. The sensor is accurate over the measuring range 15 to 50°C, which is ideal for use in darkrooms. Figure 3 illustrates the circuit diagram of the temperature meter or ther- mometer. The voltage drop across the sensor is applied to the positive input of A2. Under normal conditions the gain of A2 is set to approximately 8 X. Opamp A1 supplies a reference voltage, determined by PI, to the inverted input of A2. Preset PI is adjusted so that the output of A2 is 0 V at a temperature of 10°C, and 800 mV at 20 C. This output is then fed to the inverted input of a comparator A4. The other input of A4 is connected to a linearising capacitor C3. This capacitor is charged with a constant current source, fed via A3, T1, R4, R5, R9 and P2. When the voltage level across C3 exceeds that from the output of A2, the comparator A4 causes T3 to conduct. In effect, the time it takes for C3 to be fully charged is what we are interested in as this is proportional to the temperature. Once T3 conducts, C3 discharges via T2, which you will notice is connected in parallel to C3. The base of T2 is in turn connected to the X terminal of the darkroom computer. The processor supplies, via this line, 10 pulses per second, during the measuring period. This pulse train causes T2 to conduct and C3 to discharge ten times a second. With a logic '0' on line X, T2 is not conducting and C3 charges. The time taken between a logic '0' on line X, and when '0' appears at the output of T3 on line PB0, is used to determine the temperature. It is in effect this infor- mation that is digested and processed by the computer, which then shows it as a temperature reading on the display. Construction Process-Timer Figure 4 shows the printed circuit board and component overlay for the process timer. This has been designed so that it can be mounted into a BOC 430 case from West Hyde. A slot is needed in the top of the case to accommodate the LEDs (25). Do not forget to make the necessary holes for the press-switches. For a graduated scale and indicator we suggest two strips of card fitted on either side of the LEDs. On the one side a series of numbers (for the LEDs), and process periods on the other. The photo- graph in figure 5, gives good idea as to how this proposal will look. For the prototype we used, the first block to denote the development, the second for the stop bath and the last for the fixer. In order to keep to this time frame, the alarm must be programmed to sound when the 10th, 13th, and 19th LED is on. Temperature meter Figure 6 illustrates the printed circuit board for the temperature meter, or. elektor October 1982 - 10-33 Parts list for the process timer Resistors: R1 ,R2 = 5k6 R3= 10 k R4 = 220 O PI = 1 k preset Capacitors: Cl - 180 n C2- 10 m/10 V Semiconductors: D1 . . . D25 * LED IC1.IC2-74LS154 IC3 = 74LS132 Miscellaneous: SI - digitast switch PB = piezo buzzer Toko PB 2720 (Ambit) to give it its correct title, the digital thermometer. The sensor is remote from the circuit. Care should be taken to en- sure that the LM 335 is wired correctly. Only the centre (+) and the negative pins are used. The ADJ connection is not required and can be cut off. The terminals and soldered joints of the sensor should be encapsulated in epoxy resin. This ensures against short circuits and increases the reliability factor, (see photograph in figure 7). The printed circuit can be mounted into its own case, in the main computer housing, or even within the process timer! The choice is left to the con- structor, but, we suggest the latter. In this case the amount of external wiring is greatly reduced, because points PB0 and 0 can be combined with con- nections +10 V, X, PB0, NMI, +5 V and 0 of the process timer into one length of multi-way ribbon cable fed to the com- puter. Try and keep the cable as short as possible, although, anything up to 2 metres will not cause problems. The light meter This is again a completely separate section and is the last accessory we will deal with in this article. The printed circuit board as illustrated in figure 8, is assembled in a rather unconventional manner. The components are in fact mounted on the track side of the board while the other side completely covered in copper. This acts as the earth plane and the front face of the housing. Screening from outside interference is of paramount importance for the circuit 10-34 - elektor October 1982 darkrc compute 5 u 4 Figure 5. This photograph of the process timer illustrates one example of the timing the case have the copper surface facing outwards while on the ends and sides it is facing inwards. Construction may be aided by the use of a vice to hold the parts together while soldering. If your finished case is an excellent example of the art of air-tight boxes it is your own fault . . . the connecting wires to the microprocessor should have been fed through a hole in one end before completing the box 1 1 Calibration The only circuit requiring calibration is that of the temperature meter. The link next to C3 on the printed circuit board of the temperature meter must first be removed. A power supply of between 3 and 10 volts (a 4.5 V battery if necessary) is connected to pin 1 1 of IC3 and earth (negative to pin 11). At this stage the temperature meter is con- nected to the computer but the latter is switched off. Firther requirements for the calibration procedure are a volt- meter, a thermometer and a developing tray of water. The voltmeter is connected across resistor R8 and the sensor is placed in the tray of water. This is where the thermometer comes in. The water must be at a temperature of precisely 10°C. This will not be particularly easy but persistance will pay off in the long run. A thermometer that is very clearly readable will make the job a lot easier. Unfortunately, the majority of domestic thermometers do not fall into this category. The sensor must be suspended in the water without touching the sides or the bottom of the tray. After giving the sensor a little time to settle down, adjust PI until the reading across R1 is 0 V. Two or three attempts may be needed before results are considered satisfactory. The tempory power supply can now be removed and the wire link replaced. Switch on the computer and enter MEAS,— 2 on the keyboard. With the sensor suspended in free air, the com- puter reading should display between 10 and 50° C. The sensor is now placed in water at a temperature of about 35-40°C. Allow time for the sensor to adjust and then set PI so that the computer reading corresponds to that of the thermometer. to operate correctly and, for this reason, the entire housing is constructed of copperclad board. The sides, ends and top and bottom of the case are simply soldered together. As the top (or front face) of the housing is the printed cir- cuit board, this must be assembled before the rest of the case is fitted together. Care must be taken when mounting the components on the board as the risk of short circuits is high with this type of construction. However, the efforts are well worth while as the end result is very effectively screened and, incidentally, can also look very neat if care is taken. Remember that, although the sensor is mounted inside the case on the same side of the board as the rest of the components, it must protude slightly through the board (sensor opening) enough to prevent it from being shielded. It can be fixed in place by the use of epoxy resin (or similar) but, be warned, an overzealous application of the 'sticky-stuff' can affect the sensi- tivity enough to prevent the circuit from operating at all. This was learned by experience on one of the proto- types. It will be noticed that there is just one small hole through the printed circuit board. This may appear as though some- body started to drill all the holes through and then thought better of itl Not true of course. An off-cut of wire is fed through the hole and soldered both sides in order to earth the earth plane! Don't overlook this step or it will effectively nullify the whole exercise. If the construction seems a little com- plex the illustration in figure 9 will clarify matters. The top and bottom of Resistors: R1 = 4k7 R2 = 6k8 1% metal film R3 = 5k6 1% metal film R4 = 3k9 1% metal film R5 = 82 k 1% metal film R6 = 10 k 1% metal film R7 - 68 k 1% metal film R8 = 3k3 R9 = 4k7 1% metal film R10 = 68 n R11 = 10k R12 = 8k2 PI = 1 k multiturn preset P2 = 2 k multiturn preset Capacitors: Cl = 220 n C2= 100 n C3 - 270 n Semiconductors: T1 = BC557B T2 = BC 547B T3 = TUN IC1 = LM335Z (National) IC2 ■ 723 IC3 - 324 6 Figure 6. All the components for the temperature meter, with the exception of the sensor, ere mounted on this printed circuit board. alektor October 1982 - 10-35 6 9 Cl = 56 p ceramic C2 - 560 p C3 ■ 10 p/10 V Semiconductors: T1 = BF 256A T2 = BS170 D1 = BPW21 IC1 =3130 IC2= 7555 Figure 9. The construction of the light meter case is illustrated here. The printed circuit board forms the top face. 8 Figure 8. Care should be taken with the assembly of the light meter printed circuit board. As explained in the text, all the components are mounted on the same side as the track pattern. In practise . . . Before dashing off to the darkroom and locking yourself in, it must be decided what times the different processes are going to take so that a process timer card can be drawn up. As an example we are going to use time factors associ- ated with black and white photography. These can be 1.5 minutes for develop- ment, half a minute for the stop bath and one minute for the fixing bath. This is in fact the timing shown in the photo- graph in figure 5. Keeping in mind that the time from one LED to the next is 10 seconds, then the 'alarm' LEDs will be numbers 10, 13 and 19. Pressing the START PR. T key will now begin the process time. However, it may be that a second timing procedure is required if, for example, a black and white film is to be developed. The timing for this can be 6 minutes for development, 1 minute for wash, 3 minutes for the fixing bath and then a 30 minute wash. In order to carry out this sequence the memory in the main computer will have to be programmed accordingly. Remember that up to 10 different time periods are available. The programming procedure for this has been covered in detail in the user instructions in part 1 . Keep in mind the fact that it is also possible to program acoustic signals during the processing sequence. These will be a short bleep for each LED with a longer buzz for the end of each period. A point in part 1 that may need further clarification is the multiplication factor relating to the light meter. Moving the sensor to different areas of the enlarged image will obviously change the light level falling on the sensor. If a number of positions are checked the computer can provide an average reading. Another method that may be used requires a sheet of opaque tracing paper placed between the enlarger lens and the sensor. The image will of course be out of focus but a good idea of the average light level can be found in this manner. An 'average' negative must be used in order to arrive at a correction factor. The paper in use is also an important factor when determining the exposure time. Therefore, by experience and the information of the materials used, an error adjustment (or multiplication factor) can be arrived at and entered into the computer which will then compensate accordingly. This factor need only be entered once as long as the same materials are used. This is really no different to any normal manual procedure only that, in this case, once the factor is found and entered into the computer it can be forgotten (after making a note of it!). The method of entering the multipli- cation factor into the computer was described in detail in part 1. 1 0-36 — elektor >ber 1982 Since we published the SSB receiver article in June of this year, it is appar- ent from all the letters received, that quite a few enthusiasts in general electronics have developed a taste for short wave listening. As the popularity grows, then the need to cover a larger number of bands increases. The SSB receiver ideally fits the bill, in as much as it is capable of covering the whole of the amateur bands, obviously together with the necessary converters. Basically each circuit acts as a wave band shifter, converting the aerial signal which is either above or below the 20 metre band, into the band which the SSB receiver can receive without modifi- cations. Each converter is connected to the aerial input of the receiver eliminating any need for changes to the actual receiver. This in effect means that the circuits described can be used with virtually any short wave receiver. is then mixed together with the fre- quency from a fixed crystal oscillator to give a number of frequencies at the output (of the mixing stage). Since we are only interested in signals lower than 14 MHz and because the first filter only very roughly separated out the particu- lar band in question, a second filtering stage is necessary. This now extracts the product of frequencies (in the right band) which are required. The basic reason why we use a crystal for this purpose is because they are easily available and relatively cheap. For the very low frequency bands (VLF), such as 10 . . . 140 kHz, which are also possible using this technique, things are slightly different. In this case we would use a crystal which gives an oscillator frequency slightly below the 14 MHz band, and then the result is that the summed up frequency comes into the desired band. In this case the short wav<“ band shifting for SSB receivers from 14 MHz to 14 metres! The article deals with and describes front ends which can be used with any short wave receiver, specifically the SSB described in our June issue, effectively extending the coverage of the amateur bands. One circuit is designed to convert the band below the 14 MHz 'up' into the required receiving range with the second converting down from higher frequencies again into the 14 MHz band. It is also possible to cover the 2 metre band using this technique. The circuits, as their name implies (front ends) can simply be connected to the input of the SSB receiver. The number of circuits required will only depend on the number of bands constructors wish to cover. Component values are given enabling up to 13 converters to be built, plus of course the original 20 metre band already in the SSB! This is a good way to increase your band coverage in nice easy stages. Lower than 14 MHz One of the simplest solutions for these wave lenths, is to use a band-pass filter, followed by a mixing stage which is in turn followed by another band-pass filter. The first filter is used to extract only the required wave band. This signal first stage becomes a simple low-pass filter. Figure 1 shows how a double 'deck' wafer switch is used to select the required wave-band, assuming all the different converters (one for each band) have been built. Figure 1. Building five 'up' conveners, allowes the reception of five extra amateur wave bands (above 14 MHz). Figure 2 shows the complete circuit diagram for a lower than 14 MHz converter as just described, which is in other words an 'up' converter. The part of the circuit in the bottom left hand corner which includes Cl . . . C6, LI and L2 is the band-pass filter which caters for 1.8, 3.5, 7 and 10 MHz. Directly above this section is a stage consisting of C7...C10, L3 . . . L5, which is the low-pass filter for the VLF. The component values needed for differing bands are shown in table 1. This is followed by the simple passive mixing stage constructed around the FET BF256C. This FET acts as a switch, which is controlled by the crystal oscillator built around T2. The sum and difference of the product of the filtered input frequency and the oscillator frequency, appears at the output of the mixer. The frequency from the crystal for the 1.8, 3.5, 7 and 10 MHz is chosen so that the difference of the product from the mixer falls into the 14 MHz band (which can be dealt with by the SSB receiver). For the very low frequency band 10... 1 40 KHz, it is the sum of the frequencies which comes into the correct band. The value required for the crystal is for each case listed in table 1. The output of the mixer is then fed to a band-pass filter which ensures that only the 14 MHz band is brought to the input of the SSB receiver. The input impedance of the converter with band-pass filter is 50 £2 and that of The VLF-one, 1 to 2 kS2. The latter higher value ensures that a simple aerial (single piece of wire) will still provide adequate reception for that band. The loss in signal strength as a result of using a converter is 6 dBs. with a loss in the filter stage of 2 dB, which is very small. Higher than 14 MHz The converters for anything higher than 14 MHz can be used right up to the 2 metre band! Figure 2 once again shows the circuit in block diagram form. The input stage is the same as before; a band-pass filter. But, then instead of going straight to a mixing stage an amplifier is included. From then on the sequence is identical, that is, as far as the block diagram is concerned. When the circuit itself is described in greater detail you will see that this is not the case. Again a crystal oscillator is used, but, in this case a further buffer stage has been included. The circuit diagram is shown in figure 4. The component values for the band-pass stage depend on the wave band required, and are shown in table 2. After the filter there is the amplifier T1 which is followed by a further filter set up in the same man- ner as the first (L3, C8. C9). A mixer follows this, with T2 being controlled by a crystal oscillator. Finally there is a buffer stage with T4. For all the wave bands listed in Table 2 the values have been calculated on the basis of the Figure 3. Block diagram for the down converter (above 14 MHz). Although this seems simpler than the circuit shown in figure 1, it does illustrate the principles used. Again a separate converter is required for each band and a multi-way switch can be used to Table 1. The component values for converters for lower than 14 MHz. Band L1.L2 Cl C2.C4 C3 X MHz pH nF pF pF kHz 0.01... 0.14 - 14000 1.8 (160 m) 27 3.3 180 33 16200 3.5 (80 ml 8.2 3.3 180 15 18000 7 (40 m) 2.2 2.2 180 10 21300 10 110m) 1 1.5 150 6.8 24300 difference between the oscillator and In the 2 metre version the gain of the the aerial input frequencies. After the converter is between 6 and 12 dB, and buffer stage comes the last band-pass in the others approximately 4 dBs. In filter, ensuring only signals within the the latter versions the gain can be 14 MHz band are fed to the receiver. boosted by increasing the value of R3, At the foot of table 2 there is a separate but, then the value of L3 has to be box giving the component values needed lowered and C8 also increased, for the 2 metre band. In this case a 65 MHz crystal is used, and the buffer Construction stage also operates as a frequency Figures 5 and 6 show the printed circuit doubler. boards for all converters. The board in figure 5 is for bands below 14 MHz (circuit in figure 2) and in figure 6 the board for wave bands above 14 MHz is shown. The only item worthy of note when building the circuit onto the printed circuit board shown in figure 5, is that a screen must be positioned across the board exactly where the dotted lines are shown. Both boards are double sided, meaning that the component side is a copper plane which must be earthed. The only really difficult circuit to build is the 2 metre version in as much as, the coils (LI, L2, L3) have to be wound by hand. L3 is the simplest coil to make, as It has only one turn, but L2 and L3 both have 4 windings each, so please take care. These coils must also be inductively coupled, which means they have to be mounted side by side and end to end, and not at right angles, (as shown on the layout). There is plenty of room allowing all this as some of the components, namely C2 and C4, are not needed for the 2 metre version. Figure 7 gives a clear illustration of this. A screen is also required on this board, to separate the input stage from the rest. The dotted lines as shown in figure 6 indicate where this is positioned. We suggest that all, the completed circuits are mounted into screened boxes. Although this involves a considerable amount of work the final results fully justify it. Parts list for below 1‘ Resistors: R1 - 100k R2 = 39 k R3* 1k2 Capacitors: C1,C2.C3,C4 = see table 1 C5.C6 = 60 p trimmer C7 = 6n8 C8.C10 “ 1 n C9 = 2n2 Cl 1 = 270 p Cl 2 = 27 p C13- 120 n Cl 4= 1 n ceramic C15 = 20 p trimmer C16- 56 p Coils: L1,L2 = see table 1 L3 = 33 mH L4.L5 = 4,7 mH L6 = 100pH L7 = 6.8 pH Semiconductors: T1 = BF 256C T2 = BF 494 X = crystal ( see ta Alignment High frequency designs ( R F) need great care when aligning. However, the alignment of the circuits so far de- scribed is not critical and is certainly straightforward. It is just a matter of adjusting all the trimmers until the maximum signal-to-noise ratio is achieved. Obviously as with any normal aligning procedure, every time one trimmer is set, it will influence the other, therefore each should be adjusted in turn (several times) until the correct alignment is achieved. One final comment concerns the trimmer C13 in circuits catering for frequencies above 14 MHz (figure 4). This is used to ensure that the oscillator frequency is exactly what is required, getting rid of any discrepances in the crystal frequency. 14 10-40 - elektor October 1982 16 channels ily five ICs Figure 1 illustrates the circuit diagram of the transmitter. It contains; a key- board with 16 on and off keys, the transmitting 1C, and final stage. A 9 V battery such as the PP3 is ideal for the supply. A command given by depressing a key is immediately converted into a corre- sponding E-D-C-B-A 5-bit binary code. We have purposely left the detailed explanation of how the code is allocated till later, as any reference to it as this stage could confuse the issue. The 5 bit code, which is nothing more than a pulse sequence of 6 identical signals, is transmitted by modulating the infra-red diodes D1 and D2. The actual information, is hidden in the operational switch, ensuring that the power consumption does not exceed 6 pA, when the circuit is in a stand-by situation. Any even number of keys can be used as long as they do not exceed 32. This is because an 'off' as well as an 'on' key is required for each function. The receiver shown in figure 2, consists of; a preamp (IC1), and the pulse pause modulation (PPM) decoder, IC2 . . . IC4. The input transistor of IC1, and the receiver diode D 1 , are biased in the same way, by receiving their base current setting from T1 . The input stage of IC1 is followed by three differential amplifiers, with the output (pin 2) feeding out the received PPM signal. 16 channels witfi only five ICs There have been many circuits published for infra-red remote control systems of varying com- plexity. The design here however, while still providing 16 channels, keeps construction fairly simple by utilising special ICs produced for the purpose by Plessey. In fact, the circuit is similar to that found in many domestic television sets. Control is by means of push buttons, and both the transmitter and receiver can be made very gaps, or breaks between pulses. A short pause denotes logic 'V, a long one a logic 'O'. Pulse and pause duration can be set with the aid of trimming poten- tiometer PI. Keep in mind that a logic '0' pause is about 1.5 times longer than a logic '1', and that each pulse is ap- proximately 3 ms. There is preset delay period of 54 ms between any two different commands. Infra-red radiation is only possible when pin 3 of IC1 is pulled low. This is the only way that a current 'pulse' or surge (lasting about 15 /is), will flow through T2 and the diodes. As a matter of interest this can be as high as 8A! The 1C contains an internal electronic PPM decoder ICs ML 928 and 929 can be found in various kinds of circuits, although they were originally designed for use in TV sets. They each contain; a PPM demodulator, time base generator (together with an oscillator), and a shifting register with following latches/ memories. The binary information is in fact, located at the output of the latches. Apart from all this, there is an integrated comparator taking care of the error correction, automatically! So, under normal conditions nothing can go wrong, what so ever! Each 1C is able to digest and process 16 commands converting the received information into compact. -y jf; a keyboard, transmitter 1C. final stage and a 9 V battery. binary code. The way Pin 2 is con- nected , together with the setting of PI, determines the oscillator frequency. ML928 reacts to codes from 00000 to 01111, with ML929 reacting to codes starting at 10000 and ending at 11111. This is ideal for our purposes. In order to control a total of 16 func- tions both ICs are needed. Only one decoder is required when only 8 func- tions are sufficient. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that the correct codes are allocated which correspond to the keys being used. An allocation can easily be derived from the keyboard matrix shown in figure 1. The 5-bit code is transmitted in the sequence E-D-C-B-A and interpreted by the receiver accordingly. Column E denotes which of the two ICs it is meant for ('O', ML928, 'V ML929); D supplies the 'on' or 'off' information; C, B and A contain the information for which of the 8 functions is to be connected. The decoding circuit constructed around IC5 converts the code into switching pulses for T2 . . . T9. IC2 and IC3, produce the 'write disable' (WD) pulse for IC5. The EXOR gates register any level changes at the inputs; DATA, A2, A1 and AO. The NOR gate, situates a logic '0' at the WD input. The allocation of the binary codes to the outputs of IC5 and to the switching outputs, is infact, mirrored! This is simply because, IC4 is supplied with a negative operating voltage, enabling it to also function with negative logic. That means, output Q6 and not Q1 is used when the data '001' is situated at AO . . . A2. Consequently, the switching signal at the DATA input will reach T8 via output Q6. The WD input will be logic 'V and the data input will be blocked when no further switch- ing information is on the inputs of IC5. The outputs are not affected. Construction, calibration, application We advise constructors to build the circuits with printed circuit boards, the design of which are shown in figure 3 and 4. Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances we are unable to supply ready made ones from our EPS service. However, we feel certain that this will not prove to be a stumbling block for our readers. The transmitter diodes are equipped with reflectors, which improve the light beam intensity, making it possible to control devices from a range of 8 to 10 metres. Miscellaneous: Tr = 16 V/0.1 A mains transformer fuse 63 mA two-pole mains switch Figure 6. Design and component layout for the power supply board. A keyboard can be built up on vero- inside the apparatus being controlled, board quite easily, and then inserted, as this means the use of low capacity together with the battery and circuit connection wire, rather than thick into a plastic case. obtrusive mains cable. Mechanical relays The receiver needs a 15 V supply. This will require a protection diode con- can either be obtained from the equip- nected the reverse way round. Any relay ment being controlled, such as the can be used which has a maximum coil stereo system and so on, or from the voltage of 12 V and a resistance of power supply illustrated in figure 5. around 150 fi. Where you install the receiver will The calibration procedure is quite short, depend on what is to be controlled. Set PI of the transmitter to its mid Obviously, anyone wishing to control position and depress a key (to switch more than one piece of equipment something on). Now adjust PI of the should house the receiver in a separate receiver until the relay is activated, plastic case, and install separate or one Repeat the procedure a few times multi-way socket. until you are satisfied that the relay is The output signals from the unit are activated every time the key is de- suitable for use with relays. As a matter pressed and that is it! M of interest our June 1982 issue de- scribed a solid state relay which would be ideal for this application. We suggest the relay is placed near to, or actually « SSB « SSB » SSB « SSB « SSB » SSB Readers may be excused for jumping to the conclusion that the preamp is only useful for increasing the sensitivity. However this is only partially true. After all the SSB receiver already has an exceptional signal-to-noise ratio (0.15 /zV at 10 dB ) . Nevertheless the RF preamp does supply an extra lOdBs, which, you must agree is useful and in some cases desirable. This im- provement in sensitivity is certainly going to be welcomed by SSB owners with a small or compact aerial. Apart from the better selectivity and sensitivity, this RF stage supplies additional gain in order to overcome some of the traditional SSB problems. pre-amp for die SSB receiver boost the selectivity and sensitivity of your SSB. In the normal course of events, it is a fact of life that anything good can always be improved upon. It is therefore only natural that we should try to improve a good and successful design such as the SSB receiver published in the June 1982 issue. An additional MOSFET preamp not only increases the sensitivity, and betters the selectivity but also extends the AGC range. Improvement just for the sake of change is not a philosophy followed by us. We therefore feel certain that SSB users, especially ones without access to large sophisticated aerial systems, are going to appreciate the little extra that the circuit introduced here gives. Practise has shown that 'strong' trans- mitters operating within the 19 metre band can, under certain conditions, 'swamp', or interfere with, other weaker stations. Despite the extensive filtering included in our SSB receiver, this will still occur, if only from time to time. Trying to overcome this problem by simply twiddleing the controls is time consuming, aggravating and to some extent futile. When you consider the fact that some of these offending stations have a transmitting power of around 2 mega watts, fighting them off is harder than standing on the beach and trying to stop the tide. And every- one remembers what happened to the last man or king who tried that! As David did with the proverbial Goliath, we have supplied a subtle and highly effective weapon in the form of an additional band-pass filter at the input of the RF stage. The band-width of this filter is 5000 kHz and together with the filters originally included in the SSB receiver, it provides adequate protection against the 'giants'. In effect the circuit becomes highly selec- tive, thereby muting and damping the overbearing 19 metre transmitters, even when using large, sensitive aerials. A further advantage of using the RF preamp relates to the ability of the receiver to handle and control high level input signals, (eliminate cross- modulation). Basically we are adapting the principle that the more amplifi- cation stages which are controlled by the AGC voltage are used the more effective the AGC will be. As the AGC voltage controls the gain of the MOSFET, the result is to con- siderably extend the effective range of the AGC. In practice this increase is about 20dBs! Strong signals adjacent to weak ones are now 'squeezed' a little more allowing the receiver to handle them much more easily. Consequently the receiver produces less noise when being tuned and has good station separation. To summarise, the additional RF preamp enable the user to achieve; • higher sensitivity. • better selectivity. • an extended AGC range. The circuit diagram Looking at figure 1 will show that a wind coil, L3, can be replaced by a resistor R3. 1982 - 1045 re 2. L3 is constructed as follows; nd the result 10 times onto the core end Ider the two uncommon wires together t dual gate MOSFET specifically type BF 900 is used as the active element of the preamp. Elektor readers who have already built or are thinking of building the SSB published in our June issue, will probably wonder why we are using the same type of MOSFET as we did before (for the RF, oscillator and mixer stage of the SSB). After all there are several other semiconductors which can be used to construct an excellent RF preamp for 14 MHz applications! Well the answer is quite simple. The BF 900 is easily available, inexpensive as far as MOSFET devices go, and experience has shown us that it is ideal for RF appli- cations. Returning to the circuit diagram, readers will note that a dual band-pass filter network is positioned at the input. This is made up of LI, L2, and Cl . . . C5. The dual gate MOSFET follows the filter enabling a 'classical' amplifier design to be constructed. Gate 1 of T 1 is connected to the voltage source via R1. The source voltage level is set by R2 and D1 to +0.6 V. The gain of T1 is varied by connecting the AGC voltage to gate 2. This is a positive voltage, the level of which depends on the strength of the input signal. The stronger the input signal, the lower the gain factor. Therefore with a higher voltage across gate 1 than gate 2 a con- siderable reduction in gain is achieved. With weak signals, maximum gain is effected (about lOdBs), thus increasing the sensitivity from 0.15 /tV to 0.05 pV with a signal-to-noise ratio of lOdBs. The amplified signal is taken from the drain of T1 via a double wound (bifilar) » SSB « SSB « SSB « SSB « SSB » SSB » SSB « SSB » SSB « SSB « SSB * S MOSFET are as short as possible. This H) - £/D will ensure the good operation of T1. ' Coils L1 and L2 are quite straight forward to wind. They both consist of it.. Ip 18 turns of 0,6 n ? m diameter c °PP er m wr if) core f° rmers - having an outer diameter of 0.5 ins. The prototype used toroids JzSm manufactured by Amidon Associates, but in case constructors have difficulty XJpb finding them, a complete specification Wst is included in f'9 ure 3 t0 enable equival- ” ents to be found. Apart from the £|j physical dimensions please keep in mind ^ (ft that the completed coil should conform y -T, A Q to the same 'Q' factor as the prototype, 0 otherwise the performance will be ‘ » When making the coils, you should ensure that the windings are evenly spaced to cover all of the core. In contrast to L2, LI is tapped two wind- ing up from the ground connection. The construction of L3 is not straight- forward and that is why we have devoted a separate section for it at the nd any two uncommon wires. end of this article. Anyone not wishing realise the centre tap. The other two ends are to get j nv0 | vec | with L3 can replace it with a drain resistor R3, but as already explained some of the performance is o then lost. ° We suggest inserting the completed Typ*c*i curve* f-om mu, -.nd.^ on m« »n,« co,«. circuit into the case of the SSB receiver, 220 1 1 | [ | | 1 I 1 ! as any available space is suitable. Try 210 Q j ‘ 1 ^ T50-6 and put it as close to the aerial con- I 1 1 I /M I t ~ t J-'* " ; ' ' ~~ nection of the RF section (of the SSB) 2oo • ; ~ -■ _• • - as possible. The output of the preamp is ' / I tty.. /]■■'' l 19-1 ^ connected to the aerial input on the 190 1 ' / n [ i/- 4 ■ SSB printed circuit board by means of iso | t jLi-J -l— j j | {■ 22 25 2*64 coaxial cable. The link between the nU, I I ^ ^ aerial bus and the preamp input should 170 Vm ,' ( -L “ “ also be made with coax, iso -j-}- Frequency (Me.) -j- 31 92 3140 The AGC connection point on the SSB 1 3 1 5 1 7 ' » ’ Vi ' 13 ' is ‘ it ‘ i‘» receiver board is clearly indicated and 82164 3 should not present problems. The supply voltage can be derived from the ... . . . junction of L11 and L12 on the RF Figure 3. Toroidal core specifications of the ’ . original prototype, which used Amidon cores, seemun. together with the q chan. Double windings (bifilary) of L3 type T50-6 permeability factor 8. Thj$ coj , cons j sts 0 f -JO double windings type T50-2 P™«»>iiity i°- with cen tre tap, on a toroidal core (core hL hainht m«an innohr specification see figure 3). .3031™ .18* 3.20ol” ' First ol all two equal lengths of enam ' elled copper wire are twisted together as shown in figure 2a. The result should coil L3. Constructors not fond of | 00 k like the old fashion two way flex, winding coils can replace L3 by a drain f his double wire is now wound onto the resistor. However this will effectively, r j n g core (io windings), ensuring that if only, slightly reduce the sensitivity. t h e windings are evenly spaced over the The dotted line section below the main whole core. Figure 2b clearly illustrates circuit diagram illustrates how the drain t hj s procedure. resistor is connected. The next stage is to trim any excessive length of wire. Now, with the aid of an Construction ohmmeter, or continuity tester, find Taking the simplicity of the circuit any two uncommon wires (see figure into consideration, constructing the 2b), an solder them together as shown in preamplifier onto veroboard is rela- figure 2c. This in effect is the centre tively easy. The actual method adopted tap. The other two remaining wires are is not critical, but, you should take connections a and b of the coil as care that the connections to the denoted in figure 1. H coil L3. Constructors not fond of winding coils can replace L3 by a drain resistor. However this will effectively, if only, slightly reduce the sensitivity. The dotted line section below the main circuit diagram illustrates how the drain resistor is connected. Construction Taking the simplicity of the circuit into consideration, constructing the preamplifier onto veroboard is rela- tively easy. The actual method adopted is not critical, but, you should take care that the connections to the 10-46 - elektor October 1982 An active antenna certainly cannot perform miracles. If, for example, we really do want to receive the "Voice of the Andes' on 17790 kHz, we really need a resonant X/2 dipole aerial of about 8 m in length. An active aerial with a rod length of about 1.5 m can only be substituted for the dipole as a physical compromise. The following will show how we arrive at this compromise. adiw aerial A short, active aerial for DXers There it is, the new communications receiver. But how do we get it to pick up the "Voice of the Andes"? As the saying goes: a good aerial is still the best RF amplifier. However, the landlord will probably object to metres of wire and suspending the wire around the inside of the home will provoke the wrath of the family. A tangle of wire under the sofa is no solution either. What we need is an active aerial: it should be short and convenient to use whilst enabling good reception. An active antenna certainly cannot perform miracles. If, for example, we really do want to receive the "Voice of the Andes" on 17790 kHz, we really need a resonant 2/2 dipole aerial of about 8 m in length. An active aerial with a rod length of about 1 .5 m can only be substituted fot the dipole as a physical compromise. The following will show how we arrive at this compromise. Some radio principles The problem involves an 'electrically short’ receiving aerial for frequencies below 30 MHz, the hunting grounds of the short-wave DXer. But here is the paradox: how can an active aerial with a rod length of about 1 .5 m be used over the frequency range of 1.5 — 30 MHz, in which we normally have to utilize half-wave dipoles of up to 95 m in length? Here we have to go into a little more detail. Atmospheric noise is the factor governing the design of receiving aerials. In the case of our half-wave dipole, the atmospheric and industrial noise level is high compared to the noise level of commercially available receivers. Thus, reception quality depends only on the signal itself and the interference received. If the aerial is shortened, the signal-to- noise ratio is initially constant because, although the signal level is reduced, so is the level of received noise. However, there is a limit to this shortening in length - the point at which the 'elec- tronic noise' of the receiver, which is independent of the aerial, becomes greater than atmospheric noise. Figure 1 shows the relationship between signal- to-noise ratio and aerial length in a graph. In region b, an aerial which is considerably shorter than a 'normal' one, can still be utilized. In this case the received noise level is just as high as that of electronic noise. Short aerials of this type are con- structed as vertical aerials (rods or whips) and horizontal aerials (dipoles) for reception over the range 10 kHz to 30 MHz. Matching So far so good. But why can't we simply connect an aerial to the receiver in the form of a short rod? This can be best explained by figure 1. First of all, the signal level received by the aerial is not greatly reduced when the aerial is shortened. For example, a dipole which is short with respect to wavelength receives only 10% less signal level than the half-wave dipole. The problem is in the question of matching. In figure 2, the aerial is represented as an AC voltage source with the charac- teristics Ra (= radiation resistance) and Xa (= reactance) . At a constant fre- quency, the radiation resistance is proportional to the square of the length of the dipole. The reactance is inversely proportional to the length. This means that the shorter the aerial, the greater is the reactance. With a short dipole of 10 m overall length, for example, we have the following values at 1.5 MHz: Ra approximately 0.5 and Xa a few kilohms. With proper matching for the transfer of power, however, this total impedance must be exactly the same as the input impedance of the receiver, (50 S2). Considering the aerial itself as a voltage source, and as the impedance increases as it is shortened, then the consequences are severe. Feeding a high impedance unloaded voltage to a low impedance input of a receiver simply means that you will get absolutely nothing out! What is required is a proper match! With passive aerials, transformers are employed to correct the miss-match. Using this technique on active aerials would also work, but, only over a narrow frequency range. The solution to our problem is really quite simple! The short high impedance aerial is first of all connected to an amplifier which also has a high im- pedance input. Thus the unloaded voltage from the source (aerial), is not destroyed. Matching the receiver to the amplifier is achieved by providing the amplifier with a low impedance output. To summarize, therefore: the secret of the active aerial is that when the short aerial (short with respect to wavelength) is properly matched to a receiver (using an amplifier stage), it delivers exactly the same reception results as its big brother. An added benefit is that it provides advantages in DX reception. The theoretical explanation would be beyond the scope of this article, but it is true to say that from a technical view- point, active aerials are a good compro- mise between high sensitivity and short dimensions. The active aerial The active aerial consists of three parts: impedance transformer and amplifier, power supply, attenuator (see figure 3). The RF part of the active aerial is designed around transistors T1-T3. The passive part, the aerial rod, is applied directly to the gate of field effect transistor T1 via coupling capacitor Cl. T1 is configured as a source follower, resulting in the desired performance as an impedance transformer (high input impedance, low output impedance). T2/T3 form a two-stage RF amplifier whose amplification is adjusted by R7 and R9. The amplification can be increased is necessary by varying R7 and R9. In this case, the values in parenth- eses apply. The circuit is powered by the remote power supply consisting of Trl, the bridge rectifier and C5 (see figure 4) . The DC voltage is applied to the output of the amplifier via L1/L2/C6. The DC voltage reaches the amplification stages via L3. The attenuation stages which are selec- ted with S2 and S3 form the third part of the active aerial. Thus the output signal from the amplifier can be atten- uated by -6 dB, -12 dB or -18 dB or not at all, depending on switch settings. This avoids overdriving the receiver input. We have chosen a wide-band version for the active aerial so that it can be erected as far as possible from sources of inter- ference. We shall examine this aspect later. For this reason, band selection using switched capacitors and/or a variable capacitor is not provided. The quality of the aerial is in no way inferior to commercially available types. The so-called intercept point IP3, a measure of intermodulation perform- ance of the circuit, is at 30 dBm. By way of comparison, a commercially available aerial (AD-270/370) exhibits the same value. The frequency range extends from 3 kHz to 100 MHz (—3 dB) with T2/T3 providing a gain of 11 dB! Practice Figures 3 and 4 show the printed circuit boards for the two sections. T3 should be fitted with a star-shaped heatsink. Once we have soldered in the com- ponents, we must decide where to position the aerial. In any case, the aerial rod must be directly connected to the appropriate terminals on board 1. The optimum location for the aerial is at a distance of at least 1.5 m beyond the building's interference field. In this case we need an aerial rod of about 30 cm in length which is accommodated in a waterproof housing together with the amplifier. Aerial and output socket joints must be properly sealed. The output stage of the amplifier is designed to be able to 'drive' up to 100 m of coaxial cable. At the receiver end, board 2 with the power supply and attenuator is directly located at the aerial input. The second-best application for the active aerial is indoors. In this case, both printed circuit boards and the aerial rod (now 1 m in length) can be installed in a housing. Now all that is left is to try it out. Have fun and good DXing. K 3 4 5 TO-92Z TO-126 TO-3 (SOT-32) F I 9 elll. JIL - 10-53 elektor October 1982 Linear ICs Voltage Regulators £>] 301 318 709 > 741 CA3130 | CA3140 LF 355/356/357 TL 071/081 5o? 7805 ^3"“ 7806 18 7808 7815 oil]* 7824 1°A CTl „ 7905 7906 S! 7908 I. 1 ..L lout • o- | A S 4558 =ji ’ R LM 387 VV § NE542 [ol 78M05 m-- d ss I as •\\} II. ss MOmA [OL* 79M05 r i i -500 mA ®S So TL 074 §- r r ,-- 7 *^ TL084 jf^l Si [f© RC4136 |A| HI 78L05 PS 78L06 78L08 78L12 78L15 #111 0 78L18 78L24 100 mA «■ 79L05 1 S 79L06 79L08 79L12 79L15 - 11# 79L18 A 79L24 -100 mA SH LMioc u out* 5v LM309K *,U, 'ouflA LM323K •0 l out = 3 A C A 3080 LM 13600 U ou t- 1.2 V... 37 V LM317K LM 723 l 0 ut " 200 mA (pesdeU*) 37Vmax L . . ... . A ] U ou t‘ 2.85 V... 40 V 'i o Lx L 200 t " ,1’ - 6,2 V •o^j. Input Q Output $ All ICs shown top view 1 IliilBilMiIlIll I information appearing on the CRT, can Portable oscilloscope »di^ e ,fon qU Both Wi ‘at°^ N ° W available ,rom Ma,ron is ,ha BS - 310! picture (normal resolution) o picture (high resolution). Thandar Electronics Limited, London Road, Huntingdon Cambs. Telephone: 0480.64646 Home telephone system (Elektor 89) Extensive tests have shown that improved performance can be realised with a few minor modifications regarding the power supply of the home telephone system. In short, it means lowering the power supply output to 5 V. This really only applies to those systems where a large number of extensions are in use. The modifications to the circuit consist simply of changing a few component values and IC1, the voltage regulator. All other com- ponents, including the transformer, can remain unchanged. The changes are as follows: (2483 M) Inexpensive LCD multi-testers Three new LCD digital multi-testers are an- nounced by Semiconductor Supplies, Sutton. These compact, rugged units with 3V4 digit LCD readouts have carrying cases and probes and are guaranteed for a year. Prices range from £23.10 to £36.05 (plus VAT). Model KD-55C, at the top of the range, has twenty-eight measuring ranges including 10 amps dc and ac and a foldaway stand for bench use. The display includes polarity, over range, low battery overload indicators. There is automatic zeroing on all ranges. Semiconductor Supplies Internation Ltd., Dawson House, 128/130 Carshalton Road. Sutton, Surrey, SMI 4RS. Telephone: 01.643. 1 126 (2484 M) 20 Park Street, Princes Risborough, Bucks. Telephone: 08444.4321 (2481 M) Video printer The TP55 VIDEO PRINTER, now available from Thandar Electronics can be connected to any standard video source to provide an instant hard copy record print. Operating in response to a composite video signal, it needs no interface. Connection is made via a single coaxial cable offering limitless applications. It is especially suited as an accessory for logic analysers, or microcomputer terminals, with Selective-call module Frequency counter T ^ The model 86 1 0B : 600 I a ranae of 10 Hz-600 MHz tm (2443 M) 1982 - 10-57 True RMS 4% digit multimeter The newly introduced 1504 multimeter from Thurlby Electronics combines true RMS ac measurements with a 414 digit scale length. The instrument is designed for bench or field designed for bench or field peg mounting inductive ith \ full scale 'of** 32^000 proximity sensors s it 60% greater resolution Baumer Electric of Switzerland an IFR-1082 series of miniature y is 0.06% guaranteed for 504 can measure dc voltage , ac voltage up to 750 V, dc rower consump Memory mapped VDU card nplete with test A memoiy mapped VDU card is one of a E175 plus VAT range Qf Z8Q sjngle Eurocards available from Electronic Hobbies Ltd. The card is of the standard 100 x 160 mm (6% x 4 in) size and is fully compatible with others in the series. 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